October 28, 2022
Update #03
Production of the book is nearing completion! Production is going as planned, with interior pages complete and the book cover is nearing completion.
Once all covers are produced, assembly will begin. Assembly of the book will begin next week, and should take about two weeks.
Every Detail Matters
Throughout the entirety of the creative process the SCP team has worked closely with our producer in Bozeman, MT. After multiple iterations of the layout, the final stage before production is to adjust the hues of the images so that the images within the book most closely match the quality and depth of the pieces you see hanging in galleries and homes today. This process requires adding and subtracting percentages of magenta, yellow, and green to and from the sample and testing the variances in natural light, indoor light, and many more environments. From a photo like the one shown below the differences go unnoticed, but up close, it makes all the difference.
We are still expecting shipment of the book to occur around Thanksgiving. As we continue production and scheduling changes we will keep you updated.
Upon Steve's return from Africa in the early parts of November, your preorder copy will be signed and shipped.
In Pursuit Gorillas in Rwanda
Steve Cannon is now in pursuit of gorillas in Rwanda. Check out The SCP Instagram to keep up with his recent adventures and Shots of The Day.